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Hello! The save option dosent work for me
Everytime I click save and then leave the game the next day it only shows the "New game" option available

Hello! Can you tell me what device you're playing on? windows, mac, linux or android/linux?

Hi! I am using Windows

I have tested the game on windows and android and I can save the game correctly. Have you tried deleting the game and downloading it again? Maybe there was something wrong downloading it.

(1 edit)

Yep this is the 4th time I redownloaded the game, restarted my computer as well 

It is very strange, I have tested and I can save perfectly. Do you have discord? Can you give me your name so I can add you and try to help you?

Yes Ofc! My Id is Shuology 🍙#5935

Hola! Cuando inicio el juego me pone Failed to load: img/titles2/Splash_0.png   lo que hace que no pueda entrar al juego

¡Hola! Lo siento mucho, no vi tu comentario D: Lamento también el problema que te ha salido, el motor con el que hago el juego ha fallado por la cara. Los links de descarga ya están actualizados con el error corregido, por favor vuelve a descargarlo y te aseguro que esta vez todo irá bien.

can i get all woman ( like a revers harem ) or i only can get 1 ?

Hello! Sorry for the delay, I was sleeping. For now, the game is designed so that you can be with all of them, yes, with some in secret and others in an open relationship depending on their personality. And the game is sandbox, so you can be with everyone as long as you want. However for the ending you probably have to choose your favorite.

i am really like your game but i have trouble to relationship with someone. can u give me a hint or tips ? and i already completed the story but did not having relationship, can i still make it ( i really interesting to defeat yuri, teacher and kokoro ) ? pls

Of course, I help you with anything I can.

First of all, the game is still at an early stage of development, so you can't go too deep into the relationship with the girls.

The main story doesn't offer a really significant advance in your relationship with the girls. No girl will become your girlfriend for the main story. That's what personal events are for, which are side quests that you unlock by talking to the girls and selecting the option: "Something new?". In this version 0.1 only Nana's quest is available, a secret character a little hidden in the game. The main story really serves to make or break your relationship with the girls, which can either block or unblock romantic paths. In turn, depending on your decisions, they allow you to unlock hentai scenes with main characters, such as Yuri and Fuyu. Others with secondary characters, such as Sophia and Stephany (Yuri's friends). And some a little more romantic, like with Kokoro.

Tell me which character you are interested in and if you want I will tell you what scenes there are with her in this version of the game and how to unlock them. Thanks for comment!

i am interested with  YURI, the TEACHER characters. but how to start it ? both of them are very hard to comunicate. and also on menu when i talk to someone there's a somethink called " SPECIAL "  what is that for ?


With Yuri there are three interesting options in this version:

1: help her from the beginning to win the elections. This doesn't unlock sex with her, but it does unlock sex with another character, as well as improving your relationship with Yuri. And getting along with her is better than getting along badly, so this is the option that I recommend the most.

2: Help Kokoro win the election and switch sides at the end, which unlocks having sex with Yuri. But they are only sexual relations once and her relationship with her does not improve that much, so I would only unblock it for the curiosity of seeing it.

3: help Yuri from the beginning and change sides at the end. This locks in her romantic relationship with her in exchange for a possible sex scene with her that happens a bit later if you make the right choices. The cutscene isn't bad, but if you're interested in Yuri, it's not worth making this your main route. But you can save the game in another slot to watch it.

Regarding teacher Mia, she is really very promiscuous and not interested in serious relationships. From the beginning I thought of it as a main route, but now I am considering whether to continue like this or cancel it. In any case, there is a sex scene with her in this version, but it is the most difficult to watch. You have to get 100 points in the 4 literature exams a month, which is equivalent to studying a lot. When you get it, she meets you in her office and the scene takes place. I also recommend that you not fail the literature exams so that she doesn't get mad at you.

The "special" option is used to continue the personal quests and rivals of the girls. For now, it only works for Nana's personal/rival quest.

ฉันใช้ Android ฉันจะทำเควสการโต้ตอบทางคอมพิวเตอร์ของครู Mia ได้ อย่างไร


To complete this quest you have to go to teacher Mia's office at night, after curfew, avoiding the teachers who are standing guard. Once in her office, you have to go to teacher Mia's two computers and press Enter on the computer on the left, the one with a chair in front of it.

You can also open your inventory and check the item called "Main quest" that you should have. If that's your current quest, the item should tell you.

I have checked if there are any bugs and in theory it should work. Please tell me if you are doing this and it still doesn't work!

At night I couldn't go into Mia's room after curfew.

Weird, I'll check it out. Can you also tell me what route you are doing and what does it say in your item called main quest in your inventory?

Hello again. I have tried to play in my game and I don't see any bug. Are you trying to enter the correct room? It is in the Main Building F2, first going down the hall and then going to the left.

I can only enter room 2-1, other rooms I can't enter at all in F2 building.

Deleted 2 years ago


It is an option that will be added in later updates. I'm still considering what functions to give it specifically. For now, I think that when you advance enough in your relationship with the girl in question, select "Special" and a series of options will come up, including asking her to be your girlfriend, asking her out on a date, and up to 5 options that you already have. they will occur to me.

Currently, this option only has an in-game function and is part of Nana's Personal/Rival quest. Talk to her first and then you need to talk to Katsune and select this option to continue the quest. But this may change in the future.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hola, queria hacerte saber que cuando Kokoro esta dando su discurso el miercoles, la frase: "Por eso deseo poner todo mi corazón en el cargo y poder ayudaros en todo lo que necesitéis." Se repite dos veces.

¡Hola! ¡Gracias por avisar! Ya lo he corregido, se verá reflejado en la próxima actualización.

Hello! Thanks for letting me know! I have already corrected it, it will be reflected in the next update.

Hola, me he encontrado con un problema en la version en español de windows. Al principio del juego despues de que se vayan a dormir justo antes de que se expliquen los paseos nocturnos, la pantalla se queda en negro y solo se puede abrir el menu. Probé a desinstalar el juego y volverlo a instalar pero el problema persiste. Espero que con esta explicacion puedas encontrar cual es el fallo.

Hola, lamento que te encontraras un bug, ¡gracias por reportarlo! ¡Lo corregiré tan pronto como pueda y subiré una nueva update del juego! ¡No tardaré!

Hello, I'm sorry you found a bug, thanks for reporting it! I'll fix it as soon as I can and upload a new game update! I will not be late!

Bug fixed and game updated! I'm sorry for the problems.

This is a good game so far. Will there be an Android version?

Thank you very much for your words!

I just released an Android/iOS version of the game. But I can't check if they work, so I hope they don't cause any problems.

So I finally got to play Nana's rival route. I think you should prevent the player from being able to bring Nana with you until you've spoken to Katsune about the request. I was able to drag Nana to my room and spoke to Katsune before I was given the quest to let the two meet each other. It's not game-breaking (maybe?) but other players might get confused. You should probably change that.  And, after all that, I was still able to trigger Katsune's special option which allows me to talk to her again about Nana and getting the bear. Also, the text message stating that I am not allowed to enter Nana's room was untranslated.

Other bugs I found:

  • After sleeping for two hours after waking up in the morning, I could not leave the dorm unless I clean myself however, the showers are no longer open which gets the player stuck in the building until school time is over.
  • Viewing "Nana's rival" gallery forces the time to be daytime during curfew. When sneaking out during curfew, everything is bright like it's daytime.
  • Posters appearing in Literature classroom whenever there's an exam-related scene even though the election event is already over.

Could not progress in Nana's request. Would not let me give Katsune's bear to her even though it's already in my inventory. There's a quest in my bag that states that I should give Nana the bear but choosing the [special] option won't do anything. Did I miss something? 


Bugs fixed! I was able to fix everything you said except your suggestion to not allow Katsune and Nana to see each other until you complete the rival quest. Nana's programming is not finished yet, I still have to think about how to introduce her in the story and give her a better routine, since at the moment she is only out of her room for an hour and, the rest of the time, she is in her room. So once I'm done working with it, the problem you mention will be solved!

Once again, thanks for your bug report!

(1 edit)

Hello! I encountered a bug again. Here's my report as usual:

So when starting a new game, after talking to Fuyu, I cannot enter my room which prevents me from meeting Katsune and stops the story progression. I had to use my old saves to skip the first day of the game. 

Anyway, I have found Nana, and I need help regarding her route. I told her that I would introduce her to Katsune. I checked my bag, and there was no quest that was related to Nana after talking to her. There was no scene or anything after that, and I tried having Katsune follow me to Nana's room. When she's approached with Katsune behind my back, she talks to me like she could only see one person. I'm confused. Do I have to approach Nana on a specific day? Nothing also happened on Sunday. Or did I miss an event trigger? Also, I could have her follow me all the way to the cafeteria, classroom, library, and diner room. She won't leave me even if I study or attend classes. She only leaves and disappears during curfew. You might also have to fix that.

I have finished Yuri, Kokoro, and all of the betrayal routes. Everything went well in the mentioned routes. Well done! Only three more cutscenes left in the gallery to unlock. Nana and Mia, I presume? Haven't yet unlocked the cutscene where I am required to get perfect scores on all 4 Literature exams. That is because I misclicked my save on a pre-existing one which also happens to be my longest run. Well, that was quite unfortunate. I'll try again on the next update. Too lazy to grind class points right now.

Also, I could not find the backspace when editing my character's name. So if I want to correct my name I had to restart the game. Which was a bit inconvenient. Just took me this long to find out that I just had to press "x" on the keyboard to delete a letter. 

Oh, and the bottom-most shower rooms under the girl's pavilion are still untranslated by the way. And, My room became Spanish during the representative route.

Also, thanks for not spoiling me by not answering some of my questions! I really appreciated that. I should probably edit all my comments after every bug is fixed so that new players won't be spoiled by me. I wish you luck in your bug-fixing adventure!

Bug fixed! It was another mistake of mine, for a change... I hope that this time there are no more serious bugs.

Once you meet Nana, you have to go talk to Katsune and select the "Special" option, which is used to tell her about special missions and rivals when they are available. I guess I should explain it in-game.

How do you get Katsune to follow you to the cafeteria, classes, etc? The game should not allow it.

I'm glad the routes are working properly at last.

Thank you for all your help reporting bugs. I hope you keep playing when you feels like it!

(1 edit)

Hello! It's me again. Could not progress with any of the routes. again. Here's my report:

List of bugs (fixed):

  • Not game-breaking but on the second day, main building F1 northeastern exit told me I have to go to the diner room. Southeastern exit, however, lets me leave the building. 
  • Constant interruption of "Failed to load audio" error messages when accessing Yuri's computer. Stops when restarting the game.
  • Yuri route: no more quests after talking to the 3 girls that cheated during exams. No final voting speech after the day of handing out notes.  
  • Failed to load audio error when accessing Mia's computer.
  • Some posters does not appear unless you exit the area and come back.
  • Cannot enter the Gym when skipping class. Intentional? Also, double doors went missing and replaced by a black entrance where the doors are supposed to be.

Untranslated areas in the game:

  • Checking in on Fuyu writing her novel.
  • Studying together with Fuyu on gym class subject. 
  • Both Main Building F2 Northern rooms at curfew
  • [yes or no] options when trying to eat alone at diner room.
  • Eating with Fuyu at diner room message.
  • Dialogue with the three girls at the east yard when running a dirty campaign.


  • Masturbation is short, does not provide any benefits, and seems to be just only for ecchi purposes. Will that change in the future?
  • Are the servants' names untranslated or is it really Serviente?
  • Still could not find Nana. Is there a specific route I have to go for in order to encounter her? Nana seems to be a maid or servant so I thought she could be inside the cafeteria or dining room or either's kitchen. However, those areas are closed during classes. She's also not at the Gym warehouse in the previous versions. Could not enter the library during class hours. I'm at loss.
  • On Sunday, it says that there are no classes that day. However, the events require you to go to the literature classroom. I suggest you should maybe make the school in the game have an emergency announcement regarding a certain event that happened last night and call the students to the room by the morning. Don't know why I had to also attend phys&chem class after that. 
  • It's getting a bit kind of tedious having to retry every route again and again due to bugs. I already knew almost everything in the game by heart that running now seems to be slower for me. If you don't mind, could you perhaps add cheats that require a passcode to access it or just apply it as a feature until the full release of the game? Something simple that would make progressing a bit faster like being able to skip dialogues to get straight with the choices and faster running speed? or it could also be an option that allows you to adjust the running speed. Up to you to decide of course. It's just getting tiresome having to repeat everything for me. A suggestion to make it fair if you plan on implementing it: you could probably make it so that players can only access the cheats after finally beating one of the routes and reach the end of 0.1.
  • Some routes doesn't lead to sex scenes and some decisions can be very important for game and route progression. So if you don't plan your save points properly, the game could become a bit grindy. I don't know if its possible for you to make the players be able to access the pause menu to save our game during cutscenes and choices but it would greatly be appreciated if you can implement it. Its kinda inconvenient when there's a choice that could affect your route progression and you did not save in advance. It can stay that way if you opt for player challenge.
  • A series of questions: when will you be adding background music and voice acting to the game? Would you be able to add animatics if not animation for the sex scenes in the future? Will you be adding the night time peeping scenes to the gallery? Any plans on adding yuri threesome scenes? I have not completed the whole month yet but does all the routes, relationships , and events reset after that?
  • Looking forward for Katsune, and Kokoro's hentai scenes in further updates! Hopefully, you won't abandon your game.

Thanks for your report! I'll fix everything as soon as I can and make sure everything works fine!

Finished the list of bugs and published version 0.1.3 where everything should work correctly!

If any of the messages that you have told me are in Spanish, are still in Spanish, it is because I was not able to find them.

Regarding your comments:

Masturbation is short, yes. I'll see if I improve it in the future.

They are maids, I just forgot to translate the word maid into English.

Nana is in your room, but she only shows up from 8am to 9am because that's how long it takes for her to clean your room.

If the quest asks you to go to literature class, but it's Sunday, you have to wait until Wednesday, since Monday is exam day and Tuesday is note collection.

I'm sorry you had to replay the game so many times and I really appreciate all your help. I can't figure out how I could put codes into the game and give them to just one person, and I wouldn't know what time in the game to send you to or if that would cause more bugs. This time I have made sure that the 4 routes can be completed perfectly, so finally there should be no more serious bugs.

No, not all routes have sex scenes, nor are the ones on the same level. This is because not all characters are the same. With some, the relationship progresses faster and slower. It is also not possible to unlock all the scenes in the same game so that each player lives their own story with their decisions and their consequences. I've tried to introduce a save system at any time, but I'm afraid it causes bugs during decisions, so I couldn't do anything, sorry.

I didn't have in mind to add music to the game at the moment, neither voice acting nor animations, since I don't have money for that. The espionage scenes are not added to the gallery for two reasons: first: they are not scenes that you only see once in the story, as in other cases, but you can see them every night with enough luck. And second: so whenever a player wanted to see one, they would go to the gallery and not the corresponding girl's room at night. So for the sake of late-night gameplay, I think this is best.

When you finish the month, the only things that are restarted are the studies and the exams, the history does not restart. You can keep going for days on end until version 0.2 comes out and the story picks up from where it left off.

Soon there will be more scenes with all the girls and even new girls! And don't worry, I won't quit the game!

(2 edits)

Hello! I encountered a lot of bugs. Asking again for help. Please take your time fixing them. Thank you. I wish you luck!

List of bugs (fixed):

  •  Picking the option [masturbate and go to sleep] as the "one" character (girl with short black hair) gets her image stuck on the screen
  • The day after betrayal when entering first class room, Yuri repeats her dialogue and tells me again to go to her room. Visited Kokoro's room again. Got Yuri's "one time only" reward. again. Although, in the next day it doesn't happen again.
  • Yuri getting stuck on screen after asking to have breakfast with her
  • After exiting physics and chemistry class, walking to the diner room gives you the same previous dialogue that tells you to go to the door on the left for phys&chem class.
  • Third day after going for Kokoro route, all related quests were skipped and went straight to winning elections. Next day were assigning of seats and candidates were to give out their speeches even though the girl has already won. I think the order of events got mixed up.
  • Kokoro getting stuck on black screen after bringing her to showers and showering alone.
  • Cannot post Kokoro posters and thereby stops me from progressing in her quest and route.
  • After writing for Yuri's speech, black screen fades out and player appears to be inside the wall.
  • Third day in Yuri's route, everything skipped to voting. After supporting Yuri, Mia is stuck on the screen. Could not progress in Yuri's route. Game freezes.
  • Sometimes, Kokoro disappears after studying together with her at her own room.
  • Regrading the quests in the bag,  they can be sometimes somewhat confusing. There are times where it tells me to go the the literature room and times where it doesn't. Which sometimes leaves me confused as to where I should go. Almost missed a lot of classes. It sometimes never tells me to go to an important even-related location.
  • Basically, the third day in every route always skips to voting and messes with the overall progress.

List of untranslated areas in the game (I play 0.1.1 Windows - EN):

  • Main building F2 Northern left and right rooms
  • Door to the kitchen in cafeteria
  • Ending of 0.1 message
  • Bottom Entrance to the main building in East Yard at the start of the game
  • Door to the cafeteria at the start of the game
  • Bottom-most left and right shower rooms
  • Having breakfast with [NPC] "yes or no" option in the second day
  • Stairs to the corridor showers when its not morning of students pavilion F2 building
  • Stairs to the upper graders' dorm of students pavilion F2 building
  • Left-most servant in the diner room
  • Entrance to the girl's pavilion when skipping dinner at day 2
  • Choosing between an honest campaign or not during the 3 girls' meeting at day 2 after going for being a representative.


  • I was able to transfer my saves to the new build. Many thanks!
  • It seems that skipping meals have no consequences aside from missing out possible events? But skipping classes does. And oh boy the punishment is literally a pain in the butt! (You see what I did there?) Anyway, maybe you could make it so that skipping meals won't let you earn class points until you had another meal again? Kinda like not being able to learn well at class due to an empty stomach. Makes the game a bit more realistic. 
  • Bottom right hallway of the Main building F2 has an inaccessible opening that leads to nowhere?
  • Bookshelves in my room at the start of the game changes into mirror the next day. Does not affect the game and story though. Just pointing it out.
  • Could you also add a button for making an NPC stop following you? Also wondering if I could make them follow me to the showers or in any empty room for spicy scenes in the future updates.
  • A bit disappointed by not being able to peep at Kokoro's room. Or maybe Kokoro is just too pure. Looking forward for further updates!
  • Perhaps a hint to where I can find Nana? Or is she not in the game yet? Already tried sneaking out at night and I still have no clue to where she can be found.
  • Also, sometimes the daily routine/quest "go to your room after class" overlaps with the event kind of "go to your room after class". This will make it seem like there's a duplicate quest. I suggest to separate daily routine quests and event quests to make the quests more organized and less confusing.  Maybe you could make all the girl quests as side quests. Then the daily routine as the main quest. 
  • Wasn't able to progress much due to the bug at every 3rd day of the game. Hoping again for the game to be fixed. 


Thank you very much for your report! Wow, there are so many more bugs than I expected! I'll fix them over time and post a new update when it's all fixed.

Thanks! Glad I could help. No need to rush. Take all the time you need. Very much looking forward for the next update!

Hello again! I tell you in parts:

  • The most serious bugs that you have reported to me, the ones that happen on the third day, come from a mistake of mine that I made when I corrected some previous bugs. I've already fixed it, so you shouldn't run into any more serious issues.
  • Kokoro disappearing from time to time is not a bug. She has a routine and, when she should be somewhere else, she disappears and shows up there. I understand that it is a sudden change, but for now I don't know how to smooth it out.
  • I'm sorry you forgot to translate so many texts from Spanish to English. I hope there are no more.
  • I'm glad you were able to transfer your save successfully! You should still start a new game or you might run into the bugs from day three again.
  • No, for now there is no penalty for skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner. I want the game to be realistic to some extent, but not tedious, so I thought it best to allow the player to not be forced to eat so many times a day. However, in the future I will add extra scenes when you eat with certain girls, to encourage players to do so from time to time.
  • The shelf that turns into a mirror is my mistake. It was an addition to the map that I made a while later and forgot to change it in the clones of all the maps in the room xD.
  • Added NPC unfollow button!
  • Yes, in future updates you will be able to have sex with them by taking them to the showers, but for now your relationship with them is not high enough for that.
  • Kokoro doesn't have a masturbation scene for now. She is not corrupted enough xD.
  • Hint to find Nana: you have to skip classes. If you still can't find her, let me know and I'll tell you where she is!
  • I did not understand your penultimate point in the Comments section. Maybe your problem comes from the bug caused by my fault. Let me know if you're still having trouble with that!

Wow, that was fast. Again, thanks for the swift update! Also never thought of skipping classes. No wonder I couldn't find her. Many thanks for the hint. I'll let you know if I find more bugs.

(1 edit)

Hello again.
Help. I could not progress with Kokoro. After helping her win the elections, I can now bring her to the showers with me. However, we cannot shower together. Nothing new happened after that as I kept on playing. Do I have to finish the month to progress? How do I further improve my relationship with Kokoro? 


Sorry for the questions as I'm somewhat confused if its a bug or part of the game mechanic. Hopefully you can help me again.

Thank you.

I'm sorry for the delay in answering!

I'll explain in parts:

The game is still in development, there is no more story after finishing the choices at the moment, so you still can't progress further in the relationship with her. You should have one last main quest which is to go back to your room after class and see the message where the game informs you that you have reached the end of version 0.1. More story and interaction with her will be added in future updates! In this version the most you can get from her is a thank you kiss for winning the election, but this requires you to meet certain requirements: sit next to her in class, help her with her election campaign from the beginning, not accept sex with Sophia, help her to clean the warehouse and make her win the elections.

Regarding the betrayal route, I have reviewed it and there was a bug that prevented you from finishing that route. I have already corrected it and I have published new compilations. Now the game is not in version 0.1 but 0.1.1 please download the compiler of your choice and it should be fixed! Also, before you get your reward in Yuri's room, you have to go to Kokoro's room to talk to her, which was what didn't work. If you open the Pause menu and look at your Bag, you should have a note informing you of this. Please check it out and let me know!

When you download the new build, if you don't have any saves, go to the following path of your old build: www/save copy the file where you have your save and paste it into the path of your new build (if there is no save folder , you should be able to create it yourself). Please let me know if it works!

And please don't apologize for the questions. The game is still in development so there are a lot of things going wrong. All the best!

Thank you for the swift update! The game is really fun. I haven't played the other routes yet. When I'm done I'll try to compile all the bugs I've encountered along the way and let you know. Developing games like these must be hard so take your time and have some fun. I wish you good luck with your project. Also, thanks for the tips. Much appreciated!

Thank you very much for your words and for your encouragement!

There have been some parts of the programming that I've never done before that have been difficult, and I'm worried that there are still some bugs that I haven't seen yet, but I hope to fix everything over time!

I hope now the game works well for you!

Game looks promising. But there was no voting speech during the day of the exams. Could not progress with Kokoro's quest. Help. :(((


Thank you for your words!

Don't worry, it's not a bug. The game prioritizes exam days and note collection days, which are Mondays and Tuesdays. You should be able to continue the story perfectly on Wednesday or later. Maybe I should make that part clearer in the game. Sorry for the inconveniences!

Thanks! I was just about to  start from the very beginning after thinking that maybe I missed a crucial trigger for the event. You just saved me from wasting hours of game progress. Now I can continue the fun. 

Also, I'll be following you from now on! Loved your work. Keep it up! There is so much potential to this game. I'm looking forward for future updates.

Thank you very much again for your words and for following me! I'm glad I helped!

(1 edit)

It is really a good game and I love it but I download the game today and it ends on the first day. Which is: Is the game not updated or am I using the wrong link to download the game? 

What's out there right now and what you've played is a very short prototype that I made to introduce the style of the game and the sex scenes. Version 0.1 will be out very soon and will come with 7 days of gameplay with various routes to take, and interesting secrets and surprises to find. Once it's ready, I'll change all the links so there's no confusion.

If you want to know how the development is going, I do weekly updates and the most recent one was published yesterday. I'm so glad you like how the game is going and I really apologize for my slowness!

(2 edits)

When are you going to update the game? Please tell me when you do update the game. I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure of the exact time and I could be wrong if I say an approximation. But I'd say within at least a week. And, at most, two weeks.


Seems like an interesting start.  I think the images have enough quality to work, they don't need to be perfect because the text fills in the details.   I'm curious how the fox will react to being discovered.  

Thank you for your feedback and interest! I will do my best so that the game will not be a disappointment!

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